and earlier
Dunning J., Patil A., D’Alba, L. Bond A.L., Debruyn G., Dhinojwala A., Shawkey M.D., Jenni L. 2023 How woodcocks produce the most brilliant white patches among the birds. J. Roy Soc. Interface 20: 20220920
Jeon D., S. Ji, E. Lee, J. Kang, D’Alba L., M.D. Shawkey, J. Yeo. 2023. How the Eurasian jay expands its color palette by optimizing multiple scattering. Advanced Optical Materials doi:10.1002/adom.202202210.
Jeon D., S. Ji, E. Lee, J. Kang, J. Kim, D'Alba L., M. Manceau, M.D. Shawkey, J. Yeo. 2023. How keratin cortex thickness affects iridescent feather colours. R. Soc. Open Sci. 10:220786.
Rogalla S., Shawkey M.D., D’Alba L. 2022. Thermal effects of plumage coloration. Ibis. doi: 10.1111/ibi.13100
Cincotta A, Nicolaï M., Nascimento Campos H.B., McNamara M., D'Alba L.,. Shawkey M.D., Kischlat E., Yans J., Carleer R., Escuillié F., Godefroit P. 2022 Simple and branched pterosaur feathers reveal deep origins of visual signaling in feather evolution. Nature 604(7907), 684-688
Kulshreshtha G., D’Alba L., Dunn I, Rehault-Godbert S, Rodriguez Navarro AB, Hincke MT. 2022 Review: Properties, genetics and innate immune function of the cuticle in egg-laying species. Frontiers in Immunology. https://doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.838525
Goldenberg J, Bisschop K, D'Alba L., Shawkey, M. 2022 The link between body size, colouration and thermoregulation and their integration into ecogeographical rules: a critical appraisal in light of climate change OIKOS.
Rogalla S., Nicolaï M.P.J., Vandomme V., Teifel R., Clusella-Trullas S., D’Alba L., Shawkey M.D. 2022. First observation of a brood patch on a male sunbird. Journal of Ornithology.
Mader, S., Goldenberg, J., Massetti, F., Bisschop, K., D’Alba, L., Etienne, R.S., Clusella‐Trullas, S. and Shawkey, M., 2021 How melanism affects the sensitivity of lizards to climate change. Functional Ecology.
Rogalla S., Nicolaï M.P.J, Porchetta S., Glabeke G., Battistella C., D’Alba L., Gianneschi N.C, van Beeck J., Shawkey M.D. Shawkey M.D. . 2021. The evolution of darker wings in seabirds in relation to temperature dependent flight efficiency. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18(180), p.20210236.
D’Alba L. Meadows M., Maia M., Yeo J.S., Manceau M. and Shawkey M.D. Morphogenesis of iridescent feathers in Anna’s hummingbird Calypte anna. . Integrative and Comparative Biology. icab123,
Rogalla S., Patil A., Dhinojwala A., Shawkey M.D., D’Alba L. 2021. Enhanced photothermal absorption in iridescent feathers. J Royal Society Interface, 18(181), 20210252
Vanthournout B., Rousaki A., Parmentier T., Janssens F., Mertens J. Vandenabeele P., D’Alba L. 2021. Springtail coloration at a finer scale: mechanisms behind vibrant Collembolan metallic colours. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18(180), p.20210188
Zhou, X., Gong, X., Cao, W., Forman, C.J., Oktawiec, J., D’Alba, L., Sun, H., Thompson, M.P., Hu, Z., Kapoor, U. and McCallum, N.C., 2021. Anisotropic Synthetic Allomelanin Materials via Solid State Polymerization of Self‐Assembled 1, 8‐Dihydroxynaphthalene Dimers. Angewandte Chemie International Edition.
Nicolaï M.P.J., D’Alba, L., Goldenberg J., Gansemans Y., Van Nieuwerburgh F., Clusella-Trullas S., Shawkey M.D. 2021. Untangling the structural and molecular mechanisms underlying colour and rapid colour change in a lizard, Agama atra. Molecular Ecology.
D’Alba L., Goldenberg J., Nallapaneni A., Parkinson D., Zhu C., Vanthournout B. and Shawkey M.D. 2021. Evolution of eggshell structure in relation to nesting ecology in non-avian reptiles. Journal of Morphology 282, pp. 1066-1079.
Rogalla, S., Shawkey, M.D., Vanthournout, B. and D’Alba, L. , 2021. Thermoregulation and heat exchange in ospreys. Journal of Thermal Biology, 96, p.102857.
Goldenberg, J., D’Alba, L., Bisschop, K., Vanthournout, B. and Shawkey, M.D., 2021. Substrate thermal properties influence ventral brightness evolution in ectotherms. Communications biology, 4(1), pp.1-10.
M. Nicolai, M.D. Shawkey, S. Porchetta, and D’Alba, L. 2020. Exposure to irradiance as a predictor of repeated evolution of concealed black skin color in birds. Nature Communications 11:2414.
D’Alba, L., Wang B. Vanthournout B. Shawkey M.D. 2019. The golden age of arthropods: ancient mechanisms of color production on body scales. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 16(159), p.20190366
Fan M., D’Alba L., Shawkey M.D., Peters A. and Delhey K. 2019. Multiple components of feather microstructure contribute to structural plumage colour diversity in fairy-wrens. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 128(3):550–568
Rogalla S., D’Alba L., Verdoodt A. L. Shawkey M.D. 2019. Hot wings: Thermal impacts of wing colouration on surface temperature during bird flight. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 16(156), p.20190032.
Shawkey, M.D. and D’Alba, L., 2019. Egg pigmentation probably has an early Archosaurian origin. Nature, 570(7761), p.E43.
D’Alba L. 2019 Palaeontology: pterosaur plumage. Nature Ecology and Evolution 3:12–13
Stuart-Fox, D., Newton, E., Mulder, R.A., L. D’Alba, Shawkey, M.D. and Igic, B., 2018. The microstructure of white feathers predicts their visible and near-infrared reflectance properties. , (7), p.e0199129.
L. D’Alba, M.D. Shawkey. 2018. Melanosomes: Biogenesis, properties, and evolution of an ancient organelle. Physiological Reviews (invited review). Physiological reviews, 99(1), pp.1-19.
Kulp F. B, L. D’Alba, M.D. Shawkey, and J.A. Clarke. 2018. Keratin nanofiber distribution and feather microstructure in penguins. Auk. The Auk, 135(3), pp.777-787
Igic B., L. D’Alba , Shawkey MD. 2018. Fifty shades of white: how white feather brightness differs among species. The Science of Nature. 14;105(3-4).
D. Hu, J. A. Clarke, C.M. Eliason, R. Qiu, Q. Li, M.D. Shawkey, C. Zhao, L. D’Alba, J. Jiang, and X. Xing. 2018. A bony-crested Jurassic dinosaur with iridescent plumage highlights complexity in early paravian evolution. Nature Communications doi:10.1038/s41467-017-02515-y
Shawkey, M.D., Igic, B., Rogalla, S., Goldenberg, J., Clusella-Trullas, S. and D’Alba, L., 2017. Beyond colour: consistent variation in near infrared and solar reflectivity in sunbirds (Nectariniidae). The Science of Nature, 104(9-10), p.78.
D’Alba L., R. Torres, G.I.N. Waterhouse, C.M. Eliason, M.E. Hauber and M.D. Shawkey. In press. What does the eggshell cuticle do? A functional comparison of avian eggshell cuticles. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 90(5), pp.588-599.
Shawkey M.D. and D’Alba L., 2017. Interactions between colour-producing mechanisms and their effects on the integumentary colour palette. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 2017 372 20160536; DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2016.0536.
D’Alba L., Holm Carlsen T., Ásgeirsson Á., Shawkey M.D., Jónsson J.E. 2017. Contributions of feather microstructure to eider down insulation properties. Journal of Avian Biology. 10.1111/jav.01294
Justyn N.M., Peteya J.M., D’Alba L., M.D. Shawkey. 2017. Preferential attachment and colonization of the keratinolytic bacterium Bacillus licheniformis on black and white striped feathers. Auk 134(2):466-473. 2017
D’Alba L., R. Maia, M.E. Hauber and M. D. Shawkey. 2016. Evolution of eggshell cuticle in relation to nesting ecology. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.0687
Igic B., D’Alba L. and Shawkey M.D. 2016. Manakins produce bright iridescent feather
colors without melanosomes. Journal of Experimental Biology 219: 1851-1859.
Fecheyr-Lippens DC, Igic B, D’Alba L, Hanley D, Waterhouse GIN, Grim T, Hauber ME, Shawkey MD. 2015 The cuticle modulates ultraviolet reflectance of avian eggshells. Biology Open. Biology Open doi:10.1242/bio.01221.
D’Alba, L. and Shawkey M.D. 2015 Mechanisms of antimicrobial defense in avian eggs: A review. Journal of Ornithology. DOI:0.1007/s10336-015-1226-1
Shawkey M.D., D’Alba, L., Xiao M., Schutte M.* and R. Buchholz. 2014. Ontogeny of an iridescent nanostructure composed of hollow melanosomes. Journal of Morphology DOI: 10.1002/jmor.10993
D’Alba, L., Van Hemert C, Spencer K.A., Heidinger B.J., Gill L., Evans N.P., Monaghan P., Handel C.M., and Shawkey M.D. 2014. Melanin-Based Color of Plumage: Role of Condition and of Feathers’ Microstructure. Integr. Comp. Biol doi:10.1093/icb/icu094Q.
Li, J A. Clarke, K. Gao, C. Zhou, Q. Meng, D. Li, L. D’Alba and M.D. Shawkey. 2014 Melanosome evolution indicates a key physiological shift within feathered dinosaurs. Nature. doi:10.1038/nature12973
D’Alba, L., Jones D.N., Badawy H.T., Eliason C.M., Shawkey M.D. 2014. Antimicrobial properties of a nanostructured eggshell in a bird with a high risk of infection. Journal of Experimental Biology 217:1116-1121
Field D., D’Alba, L., Vinther J. and Shawkey M.D. 2013. Melanin concentration gradients in extant and fossil feathers. PloS ONE . 8(3):e59451
Quintana E.*, Manjarrez J.,Martínez-Gómez M., D’Alba, L., Rodríguez-Antolín J., Fajardo V. 2013. Sexual dimorphism in histological characteristics and contractility of the iliofibularis muscle in the lizard Sceloporus torquatus. Acta Zoologica. doi: 10.1111/azo.12021
Li Q., Gao K., Meng Q., Clarke J.A., Shawkey M.D., D’Alba, L., Pei M., Ellison M., A. Norell M., Vinther J. 2012 Reconstruction of Microraptor and the Evolution of Iridescent Plumage. Science. 335 (6073): 1215-1219
D’Alba, L., Briggs, L.*, Shawkey, M.D. 2012 Relative contributions of pigments and biophotonic nanostructures to natural color production: a case study in Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) feathers. Journal of Experimental Biology. 215: 1272-1277.
Snyder H. K.*, Rafael Maia R., D’Alba, L., Shultz A.J, Rowe K.M.C., Rowe K.C. Shawkey, M.D. 2012 Iridescent colour production in hairs of blind golden moles (Chrysochloridae). Biology Letters. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.1168
Carney R.M., Vinther J., Shawkey M.D., D’Alba, L., Ackermann J. 2012. New evidence on the colour, ultrastructure, and nature of the isolated Archaeopteryx feather. Nature Communications. 24:633:637
Monaghan P., Heidinger, B.J., D’Alba, L., Spencer, K.A., Evans, N. P. 2012. For better or worse: reduced adult lifespan following early-life stress is transmitted to breeding partners. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 279(1729):709-14
D’Alba, L., Van Hemert, C., Handel, C.M., Shawkey, M.D. 2011. A natural experiment on the condition-dependence of achromatic plumage reflectance in black-capped chickadees. PloS ONE 6(10): e25877
Shawkey M.D., Maia R., D’Alba L., 2011. Proximate bases of silver color in Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga) feathers” Journal of Morphology. 272, 1399–1407
D’Alba, L., Spencer, K.A., Nager R.G. and Monaghan P. 2011 State dependent effects of elevated stress hormones: nest-site quality, corticosterone levels and reproductive performance in the common eider. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 172: 218-224
D’Alba, L., Saranathan V. Clarke, J.A. Vinther, J.A. Prum, R.O. Shawkey, M.D. 2011 “Colour producing β-keratin nanofibres in blue penguin feathers”. Biology Letters. 7: 543-6
Shawkey M.D., D’Alba L., Wozny J., Eliason C., Koop J. and Jia L. 2011 Structural color change following hydration and dehydration of iridescent mourning dove (Zenaida macroura) feathers. Zoology. 114: 59-68
Maia R., D’Alba L., Shawkey M.D. 2011 What makes a feather shine? A nanostructural basis for glossy black colors in feathers. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 278: 1973-1980 doi: 10.1098/rspb.2010.1637
D’Alba, L., Oborn A.*, Shawkey M.D. 2010. Experimental evidence that keeping eggs dry is a mechanism for the antimicrobial effects of avian incubation. Naturwissenschaften. 97: 1089-95
Clarke J.A., Ksepka D., Salas-Gismondi R., Altamirano A.J., Shawkey M.D., D’Alba L., Vinther J., DeVries J. Baby P. 2010. Fossil evidence for evolution of the shape and color of penguin feathers. Science 330: 954-957
Spencer, K.A., Heidinger, B.J., D’Alba, L., Evans, N. P. & Monaghan, P. 2010. Then versus now: effect of developmental and current environmental conditions on incubation effort in birds. Behavioral Ecology. 21: 999-1004
Osorno J.L., Núñez-de la-Mora A., D’Alba L. and Wingfield J.C. 2010. Hormonal correlates of breeding behavior in the Magnificent Frigatebird, Fregata magnificens. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 169: 18-22
D’Alba L., Shawkey M.D., Korsten P., Komdeur J. Beissinger S.R. et al. 2010. Differential deposition of antimicrobial proteins in blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) clutches by laying order and male attractiveness. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology. 64:1037-1045.
Li, Q., Keqin, G., Vinther, J., Shawkey, M.D., Clarke J.A., D’Alba L., Meng, Q., Briggs D.E.G., Prum, R.O. 2010. Plumage color patterns of an extinct non-avian dinosaur. Science. 327: 1369-1372
D’Alba L., Monaghan P. and Nager R.G. 2010. Advances in laying date and increasing population size suggest positive responses to climate change in common eiders Somateria mollissima in Iceland. Ibis. IBIS. 152: 19-28
D’Alba L. Monaghan P. and Nager R.G. 2009. Thermal benefits of nest shelter for incubating female eiders. Journal of Thermal Biology 34:93-99
Bugoni, L., D’Alba L., Furness R.W. 2009 Marine habitat use of wintering spectacled petrels Procellaria conspicillata and overlap with longline fishery. Marine Ecology Progress Series 374: 273-285
Rios-Chelen A., Graves, JA. Torres, R., Serrano-Pinto M., D’Alba L., and Macias-Garcia C. 2008. Intra-specific brood parasitism revealed by DNA micro-satellite analyses in a suboscine bird, the vermilion flycatcher. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 81(1): 21-31
D’ Alba L., Torres R. 2007. Seasonal egg mass variation and laying sequence in a bird with facultative brood reduction. The Auk 124(2): 643–652
Verboven N., Evans N.P., D'Alba L., Nager R.G., Blount J.D., Surai P.F., Monaghan P. 2005. Intra-specific interactions influence egg composition in the lesser black-backed gull (Larus fuscus). Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 57 (4): 357-365