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Colleagues and Friends
These are some of the people that have inspired me, made my work possible or more interesting.

Prof. Darryl Jones: Urban ecology, wildlife management, Megapode expert


Dr. Roxana Torres: Sexual selection, life history evolution, maternal effects


Prof. Pat Monaghan : Life-history strategies and effects of early conditions; resource allocation trade-offs


Dr. Ruedi Nager: Avian reproduction and maternal effects, fitness consequences of egg quality and incubation environment.


Prof. Neil Evans: Regulation of reproductive function by endogenous steroids


Dr. Karen Spencer: Long term effects of developmental environments; avian physiology and life history strategies.


Prof. Mike Hansell: Animal architecture


Dr. Rafael Maia: Development and evolution of structural colors


Dr. Chad Eliason: Physics of structurally-colored plumage


Dr. Leandro Bugoni: Seabird ecology and conservation


Dr. Pierre Bize: ageing, phenotypic plasticity and host-parasite interactions.


Dr. Lulu Ruiz: Behavioural strategies, behavioural syndromes, stress coping styles in fish.


Dr. François Criscuolo: phenotypic consequences of early bad or catch-up growth, proximal mechanisms linking growth and longevity.


Dr. Matthew Shawkey: evolution and development of animal colors, antimicrobial defenses of bird eggs.

Jobs and Funding

EvolDir: mailing list for researchers in population genetics, behavioral ecology and evolution


BirdNet:  Grants, awards and prizes in Ornithology


Wildlife job board Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences at Texas A&M University


Ecology job board




Society for Conservation Biology, Smith Fellowship


The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI)


American Association of University Women (AAUW) 


Human Frontier Science Program Fellowships


WCS Research fellowship program


Community of Science (COS)


Graduate Women in Science (GWIS)

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